
Obama's Press Conference Stirs the Buzz

According to Yahoo Buzz:
Chip Reid asked a tough question about Obama's controversial budget. Reid asked if the budget, which will increase the debt to "$7 trillion over the next 10 years," is a case of passing problems onto the next generation. Obama responded that investments need to be made to "meet our growth targets that put us on a pathway to growth." He then pointed out that the critics of his budget have yet to bring forth an alternative.

Classic bait and switch. "We have to do what I'm proposing because noone else is coming up with a better solution."
Wrong! The better solution, which you IGNORED was to do your job, which DOES NOT INCLUDE micromanaging or "fixing" the "problems" with the economy.
We're now at least 6 months behind because the failures that should have occurred haven't happened. So the businesses that are competent haven't been able to step up and fill in the gaps where the incompetents already dropped the ball (which they're continuing to do, by the way).
Many people are really beginning to see the fruits of your micromanagement, and they're realizing that your system rewards incompetence. While this makes incompetents quite happy, it makes competent people realize that there is no benefit to sharing that competence with the rest of society.

You can not expect success while you reward failure.
What you feed, grows.

If you want success, then reward it by letting the successful see the failures fail, and quit handicapping the successful with more regulations.
If you want failure, keep rewarding it. The successful will quit, because they realize there is no point.

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