
Uninstall Thursday Week 2

Well, let's get at it.

Monopoly Slots -- It just got boring.  Spend all your money, wait for more free money, spend that, wait for more free money, hope you level up, blah, blah, blah.  Nah.  I have more important things to do, like maybe nurture my Sims and go ghost hunting some more.

Castle Clash -- Just like so many similar games.  Fun for a day or two, then gets boring and neglected.

Game Dev Story -- Many rave about it.  But, I've seen this type of game before.  I lose interest after about an hour.

ttorrent -- What was I thinking?  "I'm going to run torrents from my tablet, over wifi, using up my limited storage and running out my battery faster.  Not to mention that I'm also going to be fighting my NAS for upload bandwidth when I'm at home."  No.  I'm really not.
µTorrent -- Same problem.

MonsterCrafter -- An interesting concept, but I don't quite "get it".  And it isn't as fun as GunCrafter which uses some of the nifty features of a tablet/phone for aiming and stuff.

Zombie Highway -- Another app that's good for about 15 minutes the first play, maybe another 10 minutes of replay a couple of times, and then there's not much reason to come back.  I guess if you're competitive with yourself, then you'll keep striving for that longer distance, more kills, more goals accomplished, better car, blah, blah, blah.  I just don't feel that particular need, I guess.  It does make good use of the gyroscope for steering-wheel-like control.

Riptide GP  Shiny, polished, gyroscopic controls, competitive computer opponents.  It's just not my thing.  Sometimes I like the concept of boat racing games, but my reflexes really aren't what they once were, so I leave the more twitchy stuff for the kids.

Next week, I really need to make an effort to go through some of these free-apps-of-the-day I installed and never opened and see what they're all about.  I've probably got a good bit more dead wood laying about that I can get rid of.


Uninstall Thursday

Most of these were probably picked up from Amazon's appstore as "free app of the day"

Monsters Ate My Condo.  It was fairly well crafted, but too twitchy for me.

Hambo.  Kind of interesting as a puzzle/kill-the-enemy type game, but eventually got too hard, and I lost interest.

Float'n'split tablet keyboard.  The resizability to be able to get more visible screen is nice, but means the keys get smaller (harder to tap).  It just doesn't seem as useful as the Hacker's Keyboard (which is free).

Tiny Death Star.  After a couple weeks, it got REALLY boring, and I only wanted to bother looking at it once or twice a day.  The amount time it took to stock many things in the difference facilities never lined up and many times was just too short.  I don't want a game where I have to babysit it for an hour 2 or 3 times a day to play it.  When one thing takes one minute to stock, but the next store has something that takes 3 minutes to stock, and another has something that takes 5 minutes to stock, do you flip out of the game after each event, or set all 3 to stock, then flip out of the game, wait 5 minutes and come back to stock or do you just stare at the screen mindlessly for all 5 minutes, using the elevator to move VIPs that apparently don't know how to use the elevator themself while waiting for the different things to get stock?

Simpsons Tapped Out.  Similar but different from Sims FreePlay. It suffered some of the same timing issues as Tiny Death Star but on a different scale.  And too much of it just seemed geared towards "Hey, buy donuts so you can do things faster!"