
Pawn state.

I may be a pawn.
My tier 2, 3, and 4 people probably know I'm not a pawn.
I am fire, controlled.  When things really go wrong, I or others will unleash me and some people will wonder where I came from and why.
Some false-flag lower than they are.  Imagine an end-game scenario in chess where all the pawns suddenly, and without notice, turned into rooks, bishops, or queens.  This is something that idiot leftists don't know they're playing with.   Their pawns are pawns.  Other people's pawns will rook them.


Politics in general

There is a sad reality to the playing field that is being crafted in conjunction by accident (by the right) and by intent (by the left).

The right seeks to unite a bunch of free thinking individuals. (hard)
The left seeks creation of lots of fractured factions that it then clusters around a common leader(ship). (easy, Hitler did it, so did the KKK which was coincidentally mostly democrat...)

The right doesn't realize that some on the left are actually inquisitive enough to realize their errors and change sides.
The left doesn't realize that its base isn't quite as stupid as it thinks it is and that sometimes sub-elements of said base will realize that the leaders aren't actually looking to their common good (or any common good, actually), and flip.

The right has math. And, the math doesn't lie.
The left has emotions and numbers. The numbers are lies.

The right grows by osmosis. But the left reproduces like a virus... that also kills its own with abortion, pro-non-reproduction lifestyles, and such.

I'm not sure where things are going, but I'm reminded of a fundamental truth. "The children are our future. May GOD have mercy on us all."

Imaginary numbers... and idiots

The root of negative one is impossible. You cannot (unless maybe you're a liberal, or leftist (I no longer care)) multiply any two numbers and get -1 as an answer. The character "i", the square root of negative one (the imaginary constant), is used as the replacement for this thing that is completely anti-math and anti-logic.

I love imaginary numbers and complex numbers. Imaginary numbers are a number multiplied by the imaginary constant. Complex numbers are some really strange hybrid where the number has a real and imaginary component, and that amalgamation of real and imaginary is "the number".  Until you wrap your mind around it, which you may not be able (and for which I will not judge you harshly), it gets confusing very rapidly. Imaginary and complex numbers are one of few things that has actually created value because of their excessive oddness.
This has value on its face. Without imaginary/complex numbers, fractals could not exist. A lot of thinking people are thinking about this thing. That's good.

My brain, being the rogue character it is, asked me the silly question, "What if someone wanted the square root of a complex number?" I was immediately out of my element. Being fairly logical and mathematically literate, I started rationalizing with myself. If the imaginary constant "i" is a thing, maybe there is some way to work this out. But, if "i" is the imaginary constant, what is the square root of an imaginary thing? Squared imaginary? What then if a person tries to square root the square root of -1? Cubed imaginary? At any point, do the imaginaries start to cancel out to reality?

I find myself suffering the difficulty of wanting to point to people and things and uttering the syllable "i". The people should not exist in reality, they should be imaginary. Reality should have a warning dialog above these people that the content is irrational. Sadly, too many of these clueless twits land jobs at news outlets which have the misfortune to pay them some income and to further diminish the credibility of the place that has chosen to employ them.

Where was it I started? ... I no longer care where I started or why.  This thought thread is done.



At one point, a very wise man who happened to have the mistortune to be a character in a movie said, "Figuring things out for oneself is the only Freedom anyone really has."

I intentionally misquoted (only slightly) it because lots of people are too stupid to know the difference (leftists). Set aside that the concept is completely and utterly valid. People that don't like freedom will intentionally try to find ways of curtailing the abilities of those that do think.

Some parts of the thought police, which don't really exist but, do kind of really exist, will say to you you're not allowed to come to a certain conclusion about a certain thing. They also will say you're not allowed to express an opinion about some certain thing that isn't what everybody else would say about that thing. They are full of bullshit. There is no cutting of the deck, there is no shuffling the of the deck, there is not anything that makes these people less than they really are, and that is evil. I'm done trying to negotiate with these pricks.


1995, success and failure

1995 was a real bifurcation moment in music. Unfortunately, the bifurcation was very strong. 

Some really good stuff got accidentally noticed. Some really crappy stuff got noticed and was made prominent due to incompetence of the populace.

The Cranberries and Natalie Merchant got noticed. In specific Natalie Merchant's entire album Tiger Lily got noticed and really made an impact on some people.  I was one of those.  (It didn't suck or I would have evicted it.)

Unfortunately some really crappy crap, like R Kelly, gotten noticed. In this some people with really really low standards ended up setting the bar incredibly low for "music" for decades. If I had noticed it, I would have spoken out at the time and said that it deserved nothing but contempt.  I was only first noticing Metallica's Black Album and being enamored by it, so I was not noticing the new crap that was being created.

According to YouTube, there are a number of other things that originated that year. A number of these things really deserve no comment plus or minus. It seems rightfully so that they have not received much common plus or minus since their origination.

It looks like Smashing Pumpkins -- Bullet with Butterfly Wings was also being created. I didn't know or care about this until at least two years later. But I approve.


I started being eccentric at an early age. There were lots of things that I held dear with no clear reason.
My brother and I, being brothers in technology, in spite of being 6 years separate, ended up cooperating a lot because we were brothers in technology. When it came to transportation, this made for strange bedfellows sometimes. His preference for music and my preference for music were sometimes a bit desperate. And being the older person and often being the driver, my preferences overrode his. This made for some interesting interactions.

For example, at one point we arrived at a computer show and Celine Dion - To Love You More was playing (radio, late90's?).  We arrived, parked, and were essentially stalled at that point because I wanted to hear the song end. I more or less said, "I'm not leaving till they hear the end of this". My brother, to his credit did not complain.  The song ended, I killed the engine, and we entered the computer show. There are few perfect days and I don't even know how that one ended, but that one was good.


Ad quality

There was a case that just came up where an ad appeared and the length of the ad was thirty minutes.  Let that sink in a second. The ad started to run and continued to run and it was so not-out-of-context that I I humored the ad for 10 minutes before I finally decided that the context was good and all, that but I wanted to get back to what I was watching.  In general, long form advertising is the stuff that is done as paid for programming that happens to end up on TV and whatnot. This type of advertising on YouTube is awesome to me. Not only is it something that I probably would watch if I had a choice, but it will also not be interrupted by advertising because it IS the advertising.


Bill Nye, the idiot guy

Let me start with a borrowed premise. If you are not part of the solution, there is lots of money to be made in prolonging the problem.

The man (is he? even by his own math... wait, that's missing) asserts that gender is just a thing.

I wonder what the twit would think if every person in the physical world were to refer to him when he came to them as her or she. By his own misguided language they would not be wrong. And if he felt wrong about it, he would be wrong in thinking that other people are wrong referring to him that way.



I was introduced accidentally to Yanni via the Indianapolis zoo, for which I credit my parents as having the wisdom to think that a zoo was a good thing for a child to be exposed to.

One day, there was some thing going on the whale/dolphin pavilion and we had the good fortune to be there as it was starting.  While all the seating was occurring, some person figured that music was better than silence and had a Yanni CD playing.  I was a teen at this point, and could feel that there was something special about what this man had crafted.  From that point on, I hit the library, record stores, and whatnot else looking for things of his making. 

At no point along any way have I regretted seeking his stuff.

This odd accumulation of happenstance has led to much gratification in my life.  I am thankful to all those that contributed, be they my parents, the zoo as an entity, or the person that chose to run the music during the seating.


Permanent incompetence

Today, I saw a group of three people that may or may not have been incompetent, but one of their number chose to walk in the bike lane as opposed to walking on the sidewalk with the other two. This is some degree of either incompetent or entitlement that really needs to be disabused of the multiple generations that have created it. Unfortunately, when I hear about news stories about somebody killed because they were walking in a bike lane and hit by a vehicle, I will think back to this and have less care than I really should.

Stupid people do stupid things. I'm tired of being forced to humor them.

If you do something stupid, that's on you. Done.

I was tempted to take a picture, but even a picture from the back side would have only gained these idiots some notoriety. And they deserve no notoriety.