
How to Blow Your Credit Limit -- Without Spending

Well, according to Yahoo Finance:
If you haven't had the credit limit cut on your credit card recently, count yourself lucky. Risk-averse card issuers are getting slash happy. And while many cardholders gripe that such cuts slice razor-close to their balance amounts, for an unfortunate few the cuts go far deeper: below what they currently owe.
Which sounds like a dishonorable tactic to me. But I guess it stands to reason that a dishonorable industry that is intent on tricking people into getting into debt and then making them comfortable with the situation so that they stay there permanently, would resort to undercutting the people's outstanding balance to cause "over limit" fees (when the people have enough trouble making the base payment already).

It's too bad that with all the "learning" going on in america recently, with so many people cutting back on spending across the board, that most still haven't learned that credit is a bad thing, and not a good thing.

And this is why the bailout was such a bad idea to begin with. The solution to the system is not to fix the credit system, inserting more money for people to borrow, so they can spend more.
The solution is for the credit system to become unworkable. For the entire credit house of cards to collapse under it's own weight (as it is doing if the brain-dead government would get out of it's way).

Once upon a time, in this country, there was little to no credit, and the country was prosperous.
People bought what they NEEDED, and they did so with cash. Though even more often, they constructed, grew, or traded for what they needed.
It wasn't until the advent of easy credit that too many people started using illusionary money (credit) to buy crap that they wanted (didn't need, thought they needed, but really didn't) that things really started to go wrong.
Your credit score is NOT an asset. It's a value of how reliable you are at paying back "money" that someone else says you owe.

They (the creditors) knew that they weren't providing you a legitimate service. They knew that they were making a gamble that you would fall for their illusion and provide them a permanent free lunch, or dinner, or car, or house, etc.

I say that the time has come for the free lunches to end. The house of cards needs to collapse.

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