

Let me go right out on the limb and remain there by saying I love freedom.

There are a very small number of things that I would put forth as valid reasons to limit freedom.
  • You may not murder.  (self defense or defense of others is justifiable).
  • You may not rape.  (Being seduced by a child that does arguably know what they're doing does not count.  It may be stupid on the adult's part, but it should not be criminal.)
  • You may not use coercion on other people.  (Employees should not be exploited, but employees should be free to leave at any point, with or without reason.  Conversely, employers should be free to dismiss employees at their discretion.)
That's pretty much it.   Any law that is above or beyond the above list is probably misguided at best and evil/liberal more likely.

So, I like freedom.  I love freedom.  I'm out on that limb, and I'll remain there, using claws to attack those that think freedom is an old or useless fad.
Yes!  Some stupid people will do some very stupid things with the freedom they've been granted.

If you're a democrat, I probably hate you, not because of who you are, but because of what you represent.  You're a very small dictator, and probably not a loved one.
If you're a "progressive", see "democrat" above.  I don't have time to elaborate.  If any of the above seems "less controlled" than you like, you're likely a dictator that just didn't realize it.  Fix your head, and you may be salvageable.  Elsewise, expect me to hate your anti-freedom-ness.
Republicans [hangs head] start to weary me.  Freedom used to be the rule.  Some still follow this, but too many have turned dictatorial.

There I am.  There I'll stay.  I love freedom.  If you think otherwise, I probably want to smack you until you finally get it.  (but that would probably constitute assault under current laws, so I restrain myself)


EU (ew?) cookie policy

If you have the misfortune to live in a place controlled by a european legislature, this is my official notice that I don't care any tiny bit about the stupid legislation that declares that people must disclose a site's cookie policy.

What's worse I feel sorry for EVERYBODY that has to deal with the the results of this in the form of fairly intrusive boxes, dialogs, and other crap that demand that a person read and accept that a site is using cookies to continue using said site.  If a user is too uninformed to know what a cookie is or that sites may be doing bad things with them, too friggin' bad.  No action by any moronic legislature is going to stop bad people from using people's ignorance against them.

To clarify my position, I am not personally using cookies on this blog to do anything.  Since it's hosted on blogger (Google essentially), they may be using cookies to disambiguate visitors from each other, or whatever.  I don't care, and you probably don't either.  Further, I think that you and your other continent-men should start putting in power some legislators that will reverse idiotic laws like this.  If you do care, and you think the legislation was a good idea, I welcome and invite you to go wander off and read something else, because you're some horrible, stinking form of unsalvageable.

That's my cookie policy.  I'm not tracking you.  Google may be.  Meh.  I don't care.  If you care, you have the option to leave.  Use it.  Take your governments with you.