
Dow falls to lowest level in 11 years

According to Yahoo News:
Investors' despair about financial companies and the recession have brought the Dow Jones industrial average to another unwanted milestone: its first drop below 7,000 in more than 11 years.
(everyone with me now) Well, DUH!
Of course the investors are looking at what the government is doing and saying to themselves "Screw you guys. I'm taking my toys and going somewhere else."
The investors continue to see nothing new coming out of Washington, so why should they think that anything is going to get any better, causing them to have reason to stay?
Isn't the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result" (paraphrased).
If the investors keep seeing the same tax and spend concept coming out of Washington, and the investors, being some of the largest "income earners" in the country, a group continually referred to as "the rich", who "can afford more taxes", continue to be threatened with more taxes, more government spending, what sane reason would any of these investors want to keep their money invested in the corrupt system?
"Tax the rich" really means "tax the investors", which is a great way to convince the investors that your country is a great place to NOT invest.

If you want to destroy the economy further, keep threatening to "raise the taxes only on the rich".
If you want to destroy jobs, instead of create them, keep talking about how the rich aren't paying their share.

If you want to destroy the country, keep punishing the rich with harsher and harsher taxes and more regulations on business. They'll stop investing. They'll close or reduce their businesses because they're tired of your pedantic rules. They'll continue to move their factories to countries that either don't bend them over and rape them so hard, or don't rape them at all (what a concept). They'll continue to shuffle their hard-earned money out of this country, instead of reinvesting in america (lack of caps intentional). The rich know how to "pass the buck". The harder you try to rape them, the worse things get for the working people.,

If you want to help the working man, quit punishing his employers. Quit punishing the people that invest in the company he works for. QUIT PUNISHING THE RICH.

Until america learns this lesson, it's doom is sealed.

On a totally unrelated note, I just noticed that it's called the "Dow Jones industrial average". I didn't know that america still had any industry left.

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