
I am not a peaceful person

I had an epiphany recently.  On the scope and scale of epiphanies that I've had (in the past) this one wasn't a big one, but it was a piece of the puzzle that finally fell into place and gave me a "Well, duh.  Why didn't I realize that before?"-type reaction.

I am not a peaceful person.
This is in direct contradiction to what others might assume from my actions (more precisely lack thereof).
  • I have not yet killed a human and hope to have the good luck to not have to within my lifetime.  
  • Since elementary school, I don't think it could not be said that I've thrown a punch (actually at anything, human or creature).
These elements of evidence are not necessarily evidence of peacefulness. 

I know that I am possessed of (or in possession of) a quantity (legion?) of war-like states.  Since these states are all housed within me, each has a number of big, fat targets to go after.  Elitism, stupidity, willful ignorance, the left, too-much-order-at-the-expense-of-liberty, government, lack-of-government... the list goes on.  All of these have an army or at least some soldier on the battlefield that is my mind.  With the war-like states being kept so close to each other, each one constantly gains and loses ground against the others.  None lack for targets and none are ever really at rest.  One particular army of note is the "Don't do something stupid" army, which has some really big guns and some awesome snipers.  That army knows that there's a war on.  And it knows that there are only so many threats it can neutralize.  And that one army does an expert job at keeping the others from running amok (and ruining my life).

I look peaceful.  Mathematically, that may hold true, generally.  But, it completely misses the truth regarding what's going on below the surface.

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