
Death, retort

Every time an apple is opened, a quantity of seeds is exposed.  A number of these seeds, that are all viable, are effectively  killed because I put them in the trash. Because of this, they won't ever grow to any useful fruit, others die on the spot because my knife cut destroyed them.  I do not feel bad about any of this.  I cannot feel bad about this.  This is the nature of things.
Sadly, humans are the same.  We're on a higher level.  We "feel".  So we have the in-built desire to not destroy our "fellow apple" or "fellow seed".  That needlessly complicates things more than uncomplicating things.  Death is inevitable.  Some just have longer timelines than others.  Trying to sugar coat this causes needless harm to the thinking of fellow humans.  A death sentence is in-built on birth.  Dancing with why or why not some person's timeline shouldn't be being abbreviated is too much playing-god to me.

I tire of some of these worn out "what-if" scenarios.  If I'm sentenced to death, wrongfully, I'm likely to not ask for any appeals.  I'll accept death and be done with it.  I know what faces me, for good or for bad.  Let's be done with the second-guessing.  It bores me.  Enough is enough.  I'm a tired apple.

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