
Permanent stupidity

Stephen Crowder said something like this in one of his clips.  I take no credit for the original thoughts from which I went even moreso.

The left and most of the media (I admit there may be significant redundancy there) seem to be constitutionally (by their constitution, for clarity) unable to get out of their own way.

Trump is not a great person.  This is obvious to anyone that is paying a shred of attention.

The left are, on the other hand, trying like hell to make him look foolish, evil, etc. In doing this, the left forcibly magnify themselves to no good end.  Instead of talking about what Trump may or may not have done or may or may not have said, the annoyance of people with the left just continues unbounded because the left just keep adding fuel to the fire instead of just SHUTTING THE FUCK UP.  But the left just doesn't comprehend it because its members can't (constitutionally unable, remember).  So instead of proper criticism of the president occurring as it should, all the hate is being directed where it should, which is to say media/"journalists"/leftists.

The empty can (the left and their ilk in media/"journalism") rattles the most.  Until said can starts to fill (wisdom/knowledge is a good start) or the can chooses to not rattle, [the rattling can] and not [the attempted message of the rattling can] will get the attention (contempt) and be ignored or hated, rightfully so.

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