There is a sad reality to the playing field that is being crafted in
conjunction by accident (by the right) and by intent (by the left).
The right seeks to unite a bunch of free thinking individuals. (hard)
The left seeks creation of lots of fractured factions that it then clusters around a common leader(ship). (easy, Hitler did it, so did the KKK which was coincidentally mostly democrat...)
The right doesn't realize that some on the left are actually inquisitive enough to realize their errors and change sides.
left doesn't realize that its base isn't quite as stupid as it thinks
it is and that sometimes sub-elements of said base will realize that the
leaders aren't actually looking to their common good (or any common
good, actually), and flip.
The right has math. And, the math doesn't lie.
The left has emotions and numbers. The numbers are lies.
The right grows by osmosis. But the left reproduces like a virus... that also kills its own with abortion, pro-non-reproduction lifestyles, and such.
not sure where things are going, but I'm reminded of a fundamental
truth. "The children are our future. May GOD have mercy on us all."
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