Labels tend to have meanings, typically of a categorical context. It's a necessity. A tomato isn't an apple, and suchlike.
Unfortunately, some legislatures and worse some judicial branches have started valueless-ing some categories, essentially refusing to accept real-life categories. The value of being a real woman (created via nature) or real man (same) as opposed to a fabricated woman (whatever creator you choose or un-choose to believe in made you such) or fabricated man (whatever) come to mind. What you choose to pretend to be... is whatever it is. You pretend successfully, I'll probably ignore you because you pretend well.
Let's intentionally include the man that pretends to be female and doesn't creep out the other girls (or hit on them) in the girl's room or the woman that pretends to be a man and doesn't creep out the other boys (or hit on them) in the boy's room. Fine. Whatever.
Let's intentionally preinclude the people that have had "reassignment" ... whatever that actually means as far as nature and GOD are concerned. If you "fake the funk" as a what your pretend to be, and people don't "detect" it, success.
Let's intentionally preinclude the people that have had "reassignment" ... whatever that actually means as far as nature and GOD are concerned. If you "fake the funk" as a what your pretend to be, and people don't "detect" it, success.
I'm friggin' tired of having to address people in ambiguous ways because they may choose to interpret things wrong. If you're a guy or you look like a guy, I'll call you "sir" or (less likely) dude, or guy. That should not EVER be considered an insult. Same for a (what looks like woman) being called "ma'am" or equivalents. Being forced to use sex-less pronouns will get tired fast (with reason, because they make no sense).
If sex-less-ness is forced upon service locations, I can bet that service will suffer and those that provide service will quit because [humanoid phallic organs] (of the unpleasant variety) (regardless of gender or sex) are acting like [humanoid phallic organs] (of the unpleasant variety). Was that confusing? Blame the dicks (of both sexes/genders).
I've tried to be civil, but they (as a monolithic community) seem to nationally refuse to be. Instead of asking to be tolerated, and tolerating "oopses", they distolerate anything even slightly resembling an error.
So, in general, I ignore them and resort to silence. As a busser, I guess that's a perk.
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